More from Democratic National Convention

Friends, as I sort through photos and video from the Democratic National Convention in Denver, which wrapped up three days ago, I'll post some of the best.

On Wednesday night, the night of Joe Biden's acceptance speech, I was seated in the club level at the Pepsi Center. Michelle Obama was seated DIRECTLY below me! Here are some unique overhead shots. (How many Secret Service agents do you suppose had me tagged as Public Enemy Number One that night?!?)

The first photo is Michelle Obama with Barack's uncle, a World War II veteran who helped liberate the Jewish detainees at Buchenwald. Amazing.

And Michelle Obama with one of the Biden signs that we all held at the Pepsi Center. Biden's speech was amazing; a video with his family history and accomplishments in the US Senate preceded his talk, and his son, Attorney General Beau Biden, introduced Joe. (Beau is a reservist, about to be deployed to Iraq. He asked the crowd to take care of his dad while he's away.)

Here's a video that my fellow rep Julie French and I made the first night at the Pepsi Center:

More soon!

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